The Sherwood Youth Cheer Board of Directors serves as the organizational support for our sideline and competition teams. Both the voting & non-voting members provide administration, guidance, and encouragement for our coaches and athletes throughout their seasons.
SYC is a cheer family, from our athletes to their parents to our volunteers! Each board member fills a vital role, and has the privilege to help our athletes grow and blossom. As with any family, our athletes find the most success in all of their endeavors when we are all working together.
Sherwood Youth Cheer Board Positions:
President : Manages and serves as the primary contact for the SYC program.
Secretary : Serves as scheduling coordinator and record keeper for the SYC program.
Treasurer : Responsible for financial tracking and budgeting for the SYC program.
Fundraising Coordinator : Coordinates all program fundraisers.
Director of Marketing : Implements branding, advertising, and promoting of program.
Merchandise Coordinator : Coordinates SYC merchandise.
Apparel Coordinator : Works with Merchandise Coordinator, organizing all team apparel.
Sponsorship Coordinator : Solicits sponsors and maintains relationships with sponsors.
SYC Gives Back : Coordinates SYC Gives Back philanthropic events.
Director of Coaching : Coordinates all coaching staff.